Friday, December 7, 2012

Recipe for Holiday Giving in 25 Steps

I live in a house of boys. During the holiday season, they like to get into the holiday spirit, doing traditional holiday things like playing video games, having Nerf wars, lying on the couch and watching hours of TV...just like the rest of the year.

I, on the other hand, prefer to do the even more traditional holiday things like baking, decorating, writing lists and using ribbon. Strangely, none of my boys will join me in my holiday activities, unless of course I bribe them with extra computer or couch time. When they were younger, they would be my partners in holiday fun but this year (thank you middle school influence) even my youngest is requiring higher value bribes.

To combat the male dominance in the house, I threw them out. Literally, last Friday night I made them all, including my husband, leave. They went out to do male things while I had a night of holiday festivities of the feminine variety. A few friends gathered to combine efforts in making a large quantity of holiday gifts. Here's our recipe:

Step 1. Gather with your closest friends.

Actually this is Step 17. Steps 1 - 16 involve several internet searches, writing various lists, numerous visits to select stores to compare prices, and repeat visits to certain price competitive stores to purchase needed supplies. But once you get to Step 17, you're good to go.

Step 18. Stage all the ingredients in an assembly line fashion.

Step 19. Put the girls to work in a real assembly line.

Step 20. Take turns behind the camera and behind the stove.

Step 21. Take a break for some good conversation.

Step 22: Count your production.

Step 23. Have some fun with wine, I mean, twine.

Step 24: Recount your production.

Step 25: Wrap it up!

For the sauce recipe, click here.

1 comment:

Whaddaya think about that?