I'm baaaack! I've been absent from the blogging world for a few weeks due to preparing for vacation, actually vacationing, and coming down from vacation. We had a fabulous vacation. You might snicker a bit when you hear what we did. It was a bit daring of us to try this type of vacation, but we loved it. All of us did. After it was over, we all agreed it was the best family vacation we have ever had. It was relaxing and fun. We tried new things. We went somewhere we'd never been before. We busted up a stereotype that we had about the place we visited. We ate great food. We didn't bathe on a regular basis. Huh? That's right. We stayed dirtier than we normally do. We had an adventure.
What did we do? We rented an RV and went to West Virginia!

Now stop the banjos playing in your head. We had those playing in our heads too as we drove the RV across the state line into WV. But you know what, we found out that WV is beautiful. And we didn't see one local that made us turn tail and run. The banjo players never showed up. We have a new appreciation for the state of WV. At least in the part we were in, the farms were pastoral, the vistas breathtaking, and the weather delightful.

As far as the RVing part of the vacation, we loved that too. While we anticipated feeling too crowded with 2 rambunctious boys in a living space smaller than my laundry room, we actually never felt hemmed in. We were outside most of the time and the time we were inside we were asleep. I made a comment to my hubbie on the fourth day, that I was amazed that we had basically been outside for 4 consecutive days. I couldn't recall being outside that much ever. He said, "yeah, that's camping." Guess I have been a suburbanite too long.

We liked the simplicity of RVing. You can't bring everything with you due to space constraints. So you do without. My kids had very few toys with them, a handful of Legos, a few board games and a book each (most of which remained untouched the entire week). They were never bored! Amazing. They spend every day of their lives surrounded by toys, games, TV, Nintendo, organized playdates, and guess what? They complain of boredom at least once a day. Strip all that stuff away and they are so creative, adventurous and fun. Looks like this suburbanite needs to make a big trip to Goodwill. Just wait till school starts.

I have lots more stories to share about our adventure. Come back soon!