Friday, February 8, 2013

Fragmented Manifesto

Why do you only hear about people issuing manifestos when they are up to no good? The former policeman shooting up the hills in Southern California has a manifesto. The Unibomber had a manifesto. Adolf Hitler wrote a manifesto.

I looked up manifesto just to be sure I knew the proper definition. The following is from

n. pl. man·i·fes·toes or man·i·fes·tos
A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature.
intr.v. man·i·fes·toedman·i·fes·to·ingman·i·fes·toes
To issue such a declaration,

So by definition, there is no requirement for a manifesto to be negative or for the actions following the issuance of the manifesto to be malicious. But that's what seems to follow a manifesto: violence and harm.

The Declaration of Independence is a manifesto. There was a little bit of violence after that was issued. It's a more sensible example of a manifesto than the three above, maybe because it was written by committee rather than by a unshowered guy alone in his basement, shack or bunker. Other members of the committee were there to talk the crazy guy down off the ledge.

Manifestos require that you state your belief on something, state what you wish to achieve and that you share these statements publicly. That's what Jerry Macguire did, but his was a called mission statement. If the plot of Jerry Macguire included him shooting up the sports agency office, it would have been a manifesto.

On a positive note, today is Girl Scout Cookie Day. Sadly, I have no Girl Scout Cookies to show for it. Where are my friends with daughters? Why have they not sold me any cookies yet? I'm going to carry my checkbook with me today in case I run into a Daisy so I can buy some Thin Mints. I hope I see a Brownie so I can get me some Samoas. If I see an Junior running around, I'll get some Tag-alongs. 

In case you didn't know, those make up the Holy Trinity of Girl Scout cookies.

All Hail the Cookies!

If the price of Girl Scout cookies keeps rising as it has over the past few years, I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about a new manifesto with the chief complaint being the cost of the cookies. It won't be from me though. I will pay top dollar for the Holy Trinity.


  1. I had all three of those cookies (not together but I bought them) and then my husband promptly ate all of them except the thin mints. The girls are usually hanging out at Walmart on Saturday/Sunday selling them here. And we did have a cute one go door to door with her mom/brother and a wagon full of cookies.

  2. I ordered the trifecta from a friend's daughter and then hubs ordered the same trifecta from a neighbor. Fifty dollars later...ha! I'll be sending some care packages to the girls I think!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I love Girl Scout cookies, especially Thin Mints, but you get so few for the amount you pay. I don't think I've bought any since my oldest daughter was a Brownie...a long, long time ago.

  4. C, here I told you I was going to treat myself to a power nap & much needed shower but I'm having much more fun reading your musings!!! Maggie is a Girl Scout but couldn't commit to the meetings this year since she & John are a little overbooked LOL!! I am not cookie mom for the first time in years but I can find out where they might be selling. We have some extras too. $4.00 a box now!!!

  5. C, here I told you I was going to treat myself to a power nap & much needed shower but I'm having much more fun reading your musings!!! Maggie is a Girl Scout but couldn't commit to the meetings this year since she & John are a little overbooked LOL!! I am not cookie mom for the first time in years but I can find out where they might be selling. We have some extras too. $4.00 a box now!!!

  6. I have no desire to issue a manifesto today. I have lots of boring stuff to finish up but I wish I were laying in a hammock outside with a box of Girl Scout cookies.

  7. I ordered a few boxes from the Flynn girls and I would gladly share with you! However, I did not buy the Samoas...they are the most delicious cookie on the planet! But I have NO self control when they are in the house! Maybe I will trade you a box of Thin Mints for 1 Samoa?

    1. I'd really have to think about that BOX of Thin Mints for one Samoa cookie? Wow, you must really want a Samoa. Sadly, I know that one is never enough so it would only be torturous for you to make such a deal. I'm a better friend than that...and I would never barter with my Samoas.

  8. Oh so cool, very nice writing about manifesto. My hubby loves history and has read several versions of a manifesto. I think Republic could also be considered a manifesto of sorts.

    We used to go hog wild over GS cookies. The price has gone a bit too high for my blood now. But my goodness, those cookies are good!!! Stopping by from FF.

  9. It's not the price I complain about (I have ordered way too many this year, btw); it's the face that there are so few in the box for some of them.

    I read Dorner's manifesto. He writes well, and what he says seems logical, at times. I believe him about what he reported being the truth. Of course, he's had a break with reason; I'm just saying I'll bet he's not lying about the LAPD shenanigans. I really hope they find him before he can carry out the rest of his threats!


Whaddaya think about that?