Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't Let The Door Hit You in the Back Panel on Your Way Out

Oh happy day! My laundry room has now caught up to this decade. My old trusty Kenmore died a few weeks ago and now the replacements are set up and ready for business. I said replacements not just replacement. Even though only the dryer died, hubbie thought it prudent to go ahead and get a new washer too. I didn't even have to ask. Sweet.

The new dryer came last week but the washer had to be shipped and only arrived today. The nice people at Sears hauled away the dead soldier and his, sure to die soon, partner. She, the washer, wasn't thrilled about going but I was glad to see the last of her. I told you in my other post about how much I disliked that little pair, but it seems that actually she was the problem all along. He, the old dryer, was innocent. Since our new dryer was delivered over a week ago, I've seen, and heard, which one was the true trouble maker. It was she that made all the noise. It was she that used all that water and energy. It was she who made the house rumble like a Pompeiian aftershock. And she let him share in the blame all these years. That vicious minx.

But she's gone now. She didn't even look back as she waited in the garage those last few minutes.

That's okay. I didn't linger either. I rushed right back in to welcome the happy couple to their new home.

They look so happy.

And I can see a future of laundry bliss waiting for us all.


  1. Lovely as they may be, I'm pretty sure laundry bliss is an illusion.

  2. Laundry bliss??? Can you say that in the same sentence?

  3. Loved these laundry posts! :)


Whaddaya think about that?