Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Holding Hands With Grace

So how does life go on? We lost Anna just over two weeks ago and we now have a lifetime ahead without her. Every minute going forward seems impossible. Even this first blog post seems impossible. But it can't be. It must be possible. So how is it done?

We follow her lead of strength. Anna always had a look in her eye as if she knew something no one else did. Now I understand her look; she knew that there was comfort in the small acts of living. My husband wrote a song in the early months of Anna's illness and coined the phrase "holding hands with grace." Even amid struggles that most can't imagine, Anna was holding hands with grace. So we too will find grace.

We'll find comfort when we dig in to things that are hard on the outside and discover the sweetness within.

We will gain strength by passing along joy and compassion to those who come our way.

Grace will appear as we try to maintain balance, maneuvering this new shaky ground.

We will find comfort in routine.

We will gain strength from friends who give us a gentle push to get us back in the swing of things.

We will find joy again even if we have to start with fake smiles to get us there.

And we will cherish the past and keep our family whole through memories, love and faith.

When I close my eyes
and picture you in my mind
I see you living a life of love.
Joy and Peace on your face
'cause you're holding hands with Grace.
 - Bo Weevil, September 2011


  1. Such lovely words. I'm glad you wrote.

  2. Well done my friend and welcome back. Clearly, grace runs in the family :)

  3. Beautiful. What lovely words for a beautiful lady, from a beautiful lady...

    Well done Courtney

  4. That's beautiful. I'm glad you shared, even in what must be a very difficult time for your family.

  5. Thank you Courtney....beautiful piece. And thank you Brian for the lyrics.

  6. Beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. I really wish I had known her. She seemed like such an amazing young woman.


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