Monday, November 1, 2010

A Very Potter Halloween

As all Harry Potter fans know, there are 19 more days until the opening of The Deathly Hallows - Part 1. We are fans. In preparation for the opening and in honor of all things Potter, our Halloween was Potter themed. The stars of night were our own Harry and Ron.

Our Harry has scars, but not on his forehead.
And even though our Ron is a real redhead, he wanted to punch up the color a bit.

The grandparents even got into the act. Afterall, what's a Potter night without Molly and Arthur Weasley?

Here are the Weasleys with son Ron and all but adopted son Harry.

Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was there fighting dark forces And Professor Sybill Patricia Trelawney was there predicting doom for all.

Here Prof. Trelawney sees something wicked while Dumbledore takes an important call from He Who Must Not Be Named. 

Work calls even on Halloween. Seems the dark forces never rest.

Alas, Happy Halloween to all, Potter fans and not!


  1. Potter characters for Halloween. That's different from what we saw around here. My 17 year old step-daughter is a Potter fan. Big fan.

  2. You guys look like you enjoyed this a little too much. Especially Molly Weasley : )

  3. I love how Albus has bangs. Oh and you just make the most perfect professor Trelawney, they should have cast you in the movie! All in all what a perfect Harry Potter family!

  4. Good stuff! Court - that look is you!

  5. What did sticky chicken go as? The phoenix ?

  6. Y'all are hysterical! My brother's kids went as Hermoine, Harry, and George. I thought he was Ron, but he said he was George. that pretty much says it all.


Whaddaya think about that?